Welcome to >CodeBlue!

Join us on our journey through data science, medicine, and everything in between.



What is >CodeBlue?

In this multimedia blog experiment, we track our journey in the world of medical research, data science and informatics. Rather than discussing specific results, we want to reflect on research practices and career paths informed by our own experiences.

Our goal is to encourage students from all fields of study to consider a career in research by lifting the curtain on our daily life and mindset. Specifically, we hope to demystify the world of science in general and data science in particular. For more details, see our mission statement.

We have a standing cooperation with Berlin Exchange Medicine, where we are Associate Editors with a regular column.

Who are we?

Peter Marquardt and Till D. Best, medical students and the two halves of >CodeBlue. In our short careers, we have graduated from programming shaky click bots to stats packages and changed how we do and think about research multiple times. Our personal romance started with an internship in Tena, Ecuador in 2017.
